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December Topic of the Month - Flight Data Monitoring
For many years pilots have relied on the information displayed by aircraft instrumentation as a way to assess the health of their airplane and, in particular, its engine.  In a general aviation airplane this has typically been a single pilot task. Today, there are many available options to improve the pilot's ability to know what is happening in their airplane and improve situational awareness.  As importantly, these instrumentation options can give the pilot early clues to future problems.  This short seminar focuses on these topics and dovetails well with the November presentation on the benefits and limitations of advanced instrumentation.  You will gain a bit of knowledge while perhaps discovering a holiday gift idea for yourself or your favorite pilot. 
Flight Deck Restaurant
109 Old Chapin Rd
Columbia, SC  29072
KCAE - Columbia Metropolitan
(803) 361-1463


Premium Avionics for General Aviation

Bedford, MA 800-284-3963


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