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Coffee with Controllers
Regardless of your Pilot experience, from Student through Professional or just curious about how Aircraft maneuver around on the ground and in the air at an Airport.  This is an excellent opportunity to learn and interact with Professional Tower Personnel for Flight and Ground Operation at an Air Traffic Controlled Commercial (Class D) Airport.    Beyond the usual FAQs. You will have the opportunity to learn tips for Best Practices along with how the Human Factors play into the call out directions given by The DuPage Airport Air Traffic Controllers (ATC), TRACON, and Center Air Traffic Controllers who may be present during this event.    Don't miss this unique opportunity to meet the faces behind the voices!      This interactive and informative event will be approximately 3 hours.
DuPage Airport (KDPA), West Chicago, Illinois
2700 International Drive
Chicago/West Ch, IL  60185
KDPA - Dupage
Gary M Budzak
(630) 267-1323

Lightspeed Aviation

Comfort. Quiet. Clarity. Lightspeed was founded with the goal of providing the aviation community with extraordinary noise canceling headsets combined with a remarkable customer experience.

Portland, OR 800 332-2421


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