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Spins Do Not Have to Be Deadly- Loss of Control Is the Leading Causal Factor of Aviation Accidents
The idea of an airplane spinning may be one of the most terrifying things to a pilot. While spins are very dangerous and often end very poorly for pilots who accidentally get themselves into a spin, they are actually at their core, very gentle and low stress maneuvers. Given the danger involved in not recovering promptly at the first sign of a spin, it is a good idea to get some thorough training both on the ground and in the air on how to best recover and recognize the signs a spin is about to occur.
Noblesville Airport / Noblesville, IN
14782 Promise Road
Noblesville, IN  46060
I80 - Noblesville
Robert Haynes
(317) 250-7213

Aspen Avionics

Aspen Avionics Pro MAX Learning Center

Albuquerque, NM 888-992-7736


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