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Return to Service and Safety Wire
Pilots often have an incomplete awareness of their responsibilities for the airworthiness of the aircraft they fly. That lack of awareness can lead to accepting unairworthy aircraft for flight operations. Because improper or absent aircraft component safety wiring or safety device hardware continues to cause accidents, pilots and mechanics should carefully inspect for proper component assembly and security after maintenance/preventive maintenance and during the pre-flight inspection of the aircraft. This presentation explains the importance of proper return to service determination and documentation as well as detecting the absence or incorrect use of safety wire and other safety hardware.
Blackfoot Municipal Airport F.B.O.
1311 Airport Rd.
Blackfoot, ID  83221
U02 - Mccarley Fld
Richard Jeffs
(801) 257-5073

McFarlane Aviation

FAA-PMA Manufacturer of Quality Aircraft Parts

Baldwin City, KS 866-920-2741


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