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The unique aerodynamics of winter weather flying
For many pilots, the moments leading up to takeoff amount to little more than a few routine considerations while standing on the brakes at the hold-short line. However, there's much more to consider before contacting the tower or the CTAF. At this month's Second Saturday Seminar, CFI John Storey will discuss "Takeoff Planning: Beyond the Hold-Short Brief," with a look at the finer details of departure. John is a US Navy veteran, where he was a Plane and Mission Commander on the Lockheed P3 Orion, and he's also a former regional airline pilot. At this month's event, he'll review some real-world scenarios that offer key insights, with an an emphasis on preparing for takeoff challenges and planning ahead.    This month's Second Saturday gets underway on Dec. 14 at 1100 in the Education Hangar at Willamette Aviation.    After the event, everyone is welcome to stick around for this month's Apple Pie Social. We'll be serving hot apple pie and other treats. We'll see you there!     
Willamette Aviation Service
23115 Airport Rd NE
Aurora, OR  97002
KUAO - Aurora State
Willamette Aviation


Premium Avionics for General Aviation

Bedford, MA 800-284-3963


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