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Fastener Torque - Logbook Entries - Maintenance Related Accidents
To distribute the loads safely throughout a structure, it is necessary that proper torque be applied to all nuts, bolts, studs, and screws. Using the proper torque allows the structure to develop its designed strength and greatly reduces the possibility of failure due to fatigue.    Whenever maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration work occurs on an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part, a maintenance record entry must be created. The importance of compliance with this requirement cannot be overemphasized.    The number of all accidents where maintenance errors were the cause or a contributing factor are increasing each year. Performing an advanced search on maintenance related accidents on the NTSB CAROL website produced over 2,200 results. A discussion on a select few will be addressed during the presentation and what can be done to prevent such accidents from occurring.
Idaho State University - Airport Campus
1950 Boeing Ave.
Pocatello, ID  83204
KPIH - Pocatello Rgnl
Richard Jeffs
(801) 257-5073

Continental Aerospace Technologies

Our Gold Standard engines represent the pinnacle of manufacturing excellence, quality, service and style

Mobile, AL


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