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EAA Chapter 1445 Monthly IMC Club Meeting- All Pilot Welcome - No Membership Required
The EAA IMC Club provides a "hangar flying" experience organized around instrument flight, in order to promote safety, education, and proficiency.    Every 1-hour meeting consists of a scenario presentation and group discussion about unusual or interesting charts, changed rules and procedures, and member experiences.  We also have occasional guest speakers.    This Month:    The scenario we will discuss is titled Weather - A Wild Ride:     Dr. Steinmetz will also give a presentation on Skew T's. Skew-T/Log-P plots have a crazy name but they present a lot of useful information about the state of the atmosphere. Dr. Steinmetz will discuss how they work, how you can use them to determine icing levels and the likelihood of being in icing conditions, and how you can obtain predictions along your line of flight.    Bring your EFB, your experience, and your questions, and be ready to participate.    All are welcome.  You do not need to be an EAA member or instrument rated pilot to attend    We will also be discussing how you can earn WINGS Credit.
Chandler Municipal Airport Terminal Meeting Room
2380 S Stinson Way
Chandler, AZ  85286
KCHD - Chandler Muni
Alexander Peña

McFarlane Aviation

FAA-PMA Manufacturer of Quality Aircraft Parts

Baldwin City, KS 866-920-2741


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