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IMC Club Monthly Meeting - Bremerton
IMC Club (Tacoma Narrows-PWT) meets monthly for guided discussions (also known as "hangar talks") focused on real scenarios in the real world IFR environment.  As we discuss the monthly scenario, we share ideas and safety tips on how best to deal with specific IFR challenges.  Our objective: continually improve proficiency in IFR flying for pilots at ALL experience levels. This is a participative discussion seminar.  This seminar is eligible for WINGS credit    Our topic this month is best to use our limited training time to practice IFR approaches.  We will discuss a scenario where a pilot is on VFR and wants to do an IFR practice approach, but the weather deteriorates. What are the advantages and disadvantages of VFR practice approaches vs. IFR practice approaches? When would you choose VFR vs. IFR for your training??    Pilots of all skill levels and experience from student pilot to ATP are welcome.  IMC clubs are sponsored by EAA, which provides the training resources/scenarios to local coordinators/clubs.   
Bremerton Airport
8850 WA-3
Bremerton, WA  98312
KPWT - Bremerton National


The worlds best aviation spark plugs, oil filters and more!

Burlington, NC

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