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Landings Reviewed
Takeoff and Landing Accidents accounted for 70% of all GA Accidents in Wisconsin. We had 32 Landing Accidents in FY 2024, why is that? Is it that pilots aren't proficient? Is it that pilots forget the basics or is it because they try to safe the landing rather than perform a go around.    If you felt that the Engine Failure Startle Effect was worth your time to attend in 2022 then you will be pleased to know that the same team of CFI's have developed the Good Landings do not happen by Accident seminar series. During this seminar Jurg Grossenbacher, Milwaukee FAA will answer these questions for you.     Why are we talking about landings     Unstabilized Approaches     What is stabilized     What isn t     How do we stay safe
S34440 County Road BLVD
Baraboo, WI  53913
KDLL - Baraboo Wisconsin Dells
Jurg Grossenbacher
(414) 486-2995

McFarlane Aviation

FAA-PMA Manufacturer of Quality Aircraft Parts

Baldwin City, KS 866-920-2741


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