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CFIT and Normalization of Deviation Bias
Human biases are patterns of reasoning that weigh the value of information according to pre-conceived beliefs.  Biases present as a prejudice in favor or or against one thing, person, or group compared with another; often in a way considered to be unfair.   Normalization of Deviance Bias features progressive deviation from standards and limitations resulting in new norms.   As deviation from standards and limitations progresses, system safety factors are eroded or lost.   Pilots should commit to operating within established standards, limitations, and norms.   Development and documentation of personal minimums and periodic objective pilot performance assessments should be made in consultation with a Flight Instructor.    Objective in-flight  how-goes-it?  assessments should be made in order to confirm that operations are conducted within standards, limitations, and norms.
Arthur Dunn Air Park
480 North Williams Ave
Titusville, FL  32796
X21 - Arthur Dunn Air Park
Joseph Schmalz

McFarlane Aviation

FAA-PMA Manufacturer of Quality Aircraft Parts

Baldwin City, KS 866-920-2741


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