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AirVenture 2024 Forum - What Went Wrong Pilot Factors in WX Accidents
Weather-related accidents continue to result in the highest number of annual General Aviation (GA) fatalities. Human error has been identified as a causal factor in many of these accidents. The purpose of this session is to briefly review weather-related accidents/incidents to see what went wrong and what went right. We will review and discuss pilot actions, such as improper/proper preflight planning, pilot perception (incorrect and correct) of the weather, and decision-making, that contributed to these accidents/incidents. Additionally, we will review tools and techniques available to aid the pilot in identifying, assessing, and mitigating weather-related risks.    WINGS/AMT credit available!    To receive WINGS/AMT credit fill out attendance sheet available at the Forum entrance.
FAA Safety Center/EAA AirVenture
3110 Knapp Street
Oshkosh, WI  54902
KOSH - Wittman Rgnl
Jay M Flowers
(000) 000-0000

Aspen Avionics

Aspen Avionics Pro MAX Learning Center

Albuquerque, NM 888-992-7736


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