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EAA VFR Workshop
This workshop is not open to the public for the August 24, 2024 Workshop    This workshop is an all-day 8 hour pilot training workshop that will offer all of the three Basic Knowledge of WINGS and two Basic Flight Activities. The concept of this free workshop is to show the pilot why WINGS makes a great alternative to the flight review and will demonstrate to the pilot that training in simulators is a great improvement in safety.The pilot will have to fly with their instructor in the airplane to receive credit for A070405-08 Slow Flight, Stalls, etc. in order to get credit for the Basic Phase of WINGS.    Professor George Bolon-DPE, Levi Eastlick, Chief Pilot Wisconsin Bureau of Aeronautics, Jurg Grossenbacher-Milwaukee FSDO will address the three knowledge areas during their seminars. We will offer the two flight activities during the simulator session. There will be a closeout session at the end of the day sharing the knowledge and statistics of the simulator session with the entire group.
EAA Museum
3400 Proberezny Road
Oshkosh, WI  54902
KOSH - Wittman Rgnl
Jurg Grossenbacher
(414) 486-2995


Premium Avionics for General Aviation

Bedford, MA 800-284-3963


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